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    Chief Physician
    Dr. med. Georg Ahlbäumer

    Dr. med. Georg Ahlbäumer

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >


    Dr. med. Georg Ahlbäumer

    Chief Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2021 – today
    team surgeon, AS Roma
    2004 – today
    Chief Physician Klinik Gut
    2002 – 2006
    National Secretary of the International Society of Skiing Safety (ISSS)
    2000 – today
    Specialist for trauma surgery and orthopaedics, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    1997 – 2000
    Clinical Fellow, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Quebec Pavillon St. Francois D'Assise, Canada
    1994 – today
    Head of Development Department BIOMEX Protection
    1996 – 1997
    Senior Physician orthopaedics, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital
    1994 – 1996
    Department for orthopaedics, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital
    1992 – 1994
    junior doctor trauma surgery and orthopaedics, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    Travelling fellowship stem cell therapy
    Travelling fellowship shoulder USA
    Specialist title orthopaedic and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system
    Inaugural dissertation at RWTH Aachen
    1984 – 1991
    Study of human medicine, RWTH Aachen
    Dr. med. Patrick Baumann

    Dr. med. Patrick Baumann

    CMO · Chief Physician · Delegate of the Board of Directors · Member of the Hospital Management ·

    Details about the physician >


    Dr. med. Patrick Baumann

    CMO | Chief Physician | Delegate of the Board of Directors | Member of the Hospital Management |
    St. Moritz
    Chur | Fläsch
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2014 – today
    Chief Medical Officer Klinik Gut
    2011 – today
    Chief Physician Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    Head of Endoprosthetics Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen
    2007 – 2011
    Acting Senior Physician orthopaedic surgery and traumatology Kantonsspital St. Gallen and Spital Rorschach:
    • Team Bodensee (endoprosthetics, shoulder, and knee surgery), Traumatology Spital Rorschach
    • Team shoulder and knee surgery, traumatology Kantonsspital St. Gallen and Spital Rorschach
    • Team foot, tumour, and paediatric orthopaedics, traumatology Kantonsspital St. Gallen and Spital Rorschach
    • Team Bodensee (endoprosthetics, including revision surgery), traumatology Kantonsspital St. Gallen and Spital Rorschach, private consultations Spital Rorschach
    • Team endoprosthetics, traumatology Kantonsspital St. Gallen and Spital Rorschach, private consultations Kantonsspital St. Gallen
    2005 – 2007
    junior doctor orthopaedic surgery and traumatology, KSSG St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital Cat. A1 (Prof. Dr. med. M. S. Kuster, Dr. med. G. Stutz, PD Dr. med. B. Jost)
    2004 – 2005
    junior doctor orthopaedic surgery and traumatology, Kantonsspital Liestal, Cat. B1 (Prof. Dr. med. P. E. Ochsner)
    2003 – 2004
    junior doctor orthopaedic surgery University Hospital Balgrist Zurich, Cat. A2 (Prof. Dr. med. Ch. Gerber)
    junior doctor heart- and vascular surgery Inselspital Berne, Cat. A (Prof. Dr. med. Th. Carrel)
    junior doctor orthopaedic surgery and traumatology RSE Burgdorf Berne, Cat. C2 (Dr. med. P. Aebersold)
    Abdominal surgery and traumatology, RSE Burgdorf Berne, Cat. AII (Prof. Dr. med. A. Bodoky)
    Specialist title orthopaedic and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system (FMH)
    Medical Degree, University of Berne
    Practical year, HSS, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York (USA)
    Dr. med. Christoph Burkhart

    Dr. med. Christoph Burkhart

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Christoph Burkhart

    Dr. med. Christoph Burkhart

    Chief Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2024 – today
    Chief physician, department of anaesthesiology, Klinik Gut Fläsch
    2017 – 2024
    Head physician, department of anaesthesiology, Grisons Cantonal Hospital
    2013 – 2017
    Senior physician, department of anaesthesiology, Grisons Cantonal Hospital
    Senior physician, department of anaesthesiology, Basel University Hospital
    Senior physician, department of anaesthesiology, Olten Cantonal Hospital
    2008 – 2012
    junior doctor, department of anaesthesiology, Basel University Hospital
    2003 – 2007
    junior doctor, department of anaesthesiology and intensive care, Cantonal Hospital of Grisons
    junior doctor, department of internal medicine, Grisons Cantonal Hospital
    junior doctor, department of surgery, Grisons Cantonal Hospital
    Master of Medical Education, University of Berne
    Proficiency title Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) (SGUM)
    Proficiency title prehospital emergency medicine / emergency physician (SSERM)
    Specialist title anaesthesiology
    Doctorate in medicine, University of Basel
    Medical degree, University of Berne
    Dr. med. Alexander Delvendahl

    Dr. med. Alexander Delvendahl

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >


    Dr. med. Alexander Delvendahl

    Chief Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2024 – today
    Chief Physician Emergency Medicine, Klinik Gut
    2023 – today
    Chief Physician Internal Medicine, Klinik Gut
    2013 – 2023
    Emergency Medical Director Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    2011 – 2013
    Senior Physician and Deputy Chief Physician Spital Savognin
    2009 – 2011
    Senior Physician and team leader central emergency room, Kantonsspital St. Gallen
    2008 – 2009
    Senior Physician Interdisciplinary emergency unit, Kantonsspital Liestal
    Stand-in for Dr. Bänninger (Spino) and Dr. Lanfranchi (Silvaplana)
    2007 – 2008
    Assisting Physician medicine (Dr. Marugg), Spital Oberengadin, Samedan
    2006 – 2007
    Assisting Physician general medicine, Praxis Dr. Lanfranchi, Silvaplana
    2005 – 2006
    Assisting Physician trauma surgery (Prof. Dr. Trentz) and trauma surgery intensive care (Prof. Dr. Stocker) Zurich University Hospital
    2004 – 2005
    Assisting Physician medicine (Dr. Marugg), Spital Oberengadin, Samedan
    2001 – 2004
    Assisting Physician surgery (PD Dr. Simmen), Spital Oberengadin, Samedan
    Dr. med. Holger Durchholz

    Dr. med. Holger Durchholz

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >


    Dr. med. Holger Durchholz

    Chief Physician |
    Buchs | Fläsch
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    since 2015
    Chief physician Klinik Gut (orthopaedics and traumatology) and attending physician at Spital Oberengadin (orthopaedics)
    Trauma Fellowship Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Tübingen (BG Hospital Tübingen Trauma Centre)
    Senior physician on the upper extremities team, Schulthess Klinik Zürich
    Shoulder & Elbow Travelling Fellowship Schulthess Klinik in Europe and USA
    Deputy senior physician, upper extremities team, Schulthess Klinik Zürich
    Junior doctor, orthopaedics of the upper extremities, Schulthess Klinik Zürich
    Junior doctor, trauma, hand and plastic surgery, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital (LUKS Luzern)
    Junior doctor, orthopaedic, trauma and general surgery, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital (LUKS Wolhusen)
    Junior doctor, orthopaedics and traumatology, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    Specialist title orthopaedic and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system (FMH)
    Doctoral thesis, University of Regensburg (GER)
    Medical Degree, University of Regensburg (GER)
    Dr. med. Andreas Grünenfelder

    Dr. med. Andreas Grünenfelder

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >


    Dr. med. Andreas Grünenfelder

    Chief Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    Certificate of competence interventional pain therapy SSIPM
    Certificate of competence sports medicine SGSM
    Certificate of competence emergency physician SGNOR
    Qualification exam in anaesthesiology and reanimation SGAR
    Doctorate; Dissertation (93 – 96) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. med. H. Hoppeler, Anatomical Institute in Bern: Maximal exercise performance in chronic hypoxia an acute normoxia in high altitude nativs (La Paz, Bolivia)
    since 1995
    Education in Davos, Lucerne, St. Moritz, Berne
    State examination in Berne
    Member of the Swiss cross-country national team
    Dr. med. René Hutter

    Dr. med. René Hutter

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. René Hutter

    Dr. med. René Hutter

    Chief Physician |
    Flims | Arztpraxis Stenna
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    head physician, orthopaedic and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system, Klinik Gut
    deputy head physician, department for orthopaedic and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system, Cantonal Hospital Chur
    senior physician mbF, department for orthopaedic and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system, Cantonal Hospital Chur
    senior physician, department for orthopaedic and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system, Cantonal Hospital Chur
    deputy senior physician, department for orthopaedic and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system, Cantonal Hospital Chur
    junior doctor, department for orthopaedic and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen
    junior doctor, department for orthopaedic and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system, Cantonal Hospital Chur
    junior doctor, orthopaedics and traumatology department, Cantonal Hospital Chur
    junior doctor, orthopaedics/traumatology, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    Fellowship Reconstructive Knee Surgery, Sportorthopaedicum Berlin
    specialist title orthopaedic and trauma surgeon
    Fellowship Reconstructive Knee Surgery, Sportorthopaedicum Berlin
    Fellowship Shoulder Surgery, Charité Berlin
    medical degree, University of Zürich
    Prof. Dr. med. Dagmar Keller Lang

    Prof. Dr. med. Dagmar Keller Lang

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Prof. Dr. med. Dagmar Keller Lang

    Prof. Dr. med. Dagmar Keller Lang

    Chief Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2024 – today
    Chief Physician Sports Cardiology and Sports Medicine, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    2023 – 2024
    Chief Physician Emergency Medicine, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    2023 – today
    Editor of the medical journal "PRAXIS", medinfo Ärzteverlag
    2021 – today
    President Federal Examination Commission Human Medicine, FOPH
    2018 – 2023
    President Clinical Ethics Commission, University Hospital Zurich
    2016 – 2023
    Director Emergency Department, University Hospital Zurich
    2014 – 2016
    Medical Director Interdisciplinary Emergency Unit, USZ
    2010 – 2023
    Consultant Cardiogenetics, University Hospital Zurich
    2009 – 2023
    Consultant Cardiology / Sports Cardiology, University Hospital Zurich
    1997 – 2009
    Consultant Emergency Medicine, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel
    Titular professor in cardiology, University of Zurich
    Interdisciplinary sub-speciality sports medicine
    Habilitation transfer in cardiology, University of Zurich
    Interdisciplinary sub-speciality clinical emergency medicine
    Habilitation/venia legendi (adjunct lecturer) in cardiology, University of Basel
    Specialist title cardiology
    Specialist title general internal medicine
    Doctorate in medicine, University of Basel
    Medical degree, University of Basel
    Dr. med. Martin Reese

    Dr. med. Martin Reese

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Martin Reese

    Dr. med. Martin Reese

    Chief Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2008 – today
    Chief physician Klinik Gut
    2008 – 2017
    Attending physician, Thusis Regional Hospital
    Joint Replacement and Revision Fellowship Endo-Klinik Hamburg (Germany)
    Senior physician, orthopaedics, Schulthess Klinik Zurich
    2004 – 2006
    Senior physician, orthopaedics/traumatology, Cantonal Hospital Baden
    2003 – 2004
    Junior doctor, orthopaedics, Schulthess Klinik Zurich
    2001 – 2002
    Junior doctor, orthopaedics/surgery, Tiefenauspital Bern (Inselgruppe)
    1999 – 2001
    Junior doctor, orthopaedics/traumatology, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    1998 – 1999
    Junior doctor, hygiene and environmental medicine, University of Greifswald (Germany)
    . .
    . .
    Specialist title orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system (Swiss board certification)
    Doctoral thesis, University of Greifswald (Germany)
    Medical degree, University of Greifswald (Germany)
    Dr. med. Beat Schmid

    Dr. med. Beat Schmid

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >


    Dr. med. Beat Schmid

    Chief Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    Chief Physician Klinik Gut
    Deputy Chief Physician, head of orthopaedics/traumatology of the hospitals Grabs & Altstätten
    Deputy Chief Physician, head of orthopaedics/traumatology, Kantonales Spital Grabs
    Attending Physician for orthopaedics, Kantonales Spital Grabs
    Senior Physician clinic for orthopaedics and traumatology, Kantonsspital St. Gallen
    Assisting Physician, clinic for orthopaedics and traumatology, Kantonsspital St. Gallen
    Assisting Physician, orthopaedics/traumatology, Kantonales Spital Rorschach
    REGA-Emergency Physician SGNOR, Base Nordbünden, Untervaz
    Assisting Physician, anaesthesiology, Regionalspital Surselva, Ilanz
    Assisting Physician, surgery/orthopaedics/traumatology, Regionalspital Surselva, Ilanz
    Specialist title orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system (Swiss board certification)
    Doctoral thesis, University of Berne
    Medical degree, University of Berne
    Dr. med. Christian Steiner

    Dr. med. Christian Steiner

    Chief Physician · Member of the Hospital Management ·

    Details about the physician >


    Dr. med. Christian Steiner

    Chief Physician | Member of the Hospital Management |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2022 – today
    Chief physician Klinik Gut, Regional Medical Director (Northern Grisons)
    2014 – 2021
    Senior physician Klinik Gut
    2011 – 2014
    Senior physician orthopaedics, Grisons Cantonal Hospital, Chur
    2009 – 2011
    Senior physician orthopaedics, Cantonal Hospital Aarau
    Junior doctor orthopaedics, Cantonal Hospital Aarau
    Upper Extremity Fellowship, St. Görans Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
    Junior doctor orthopaedics, Schulthess Klinik Zurich
    2006 – 2007
    Junior doctor trauma surgery, Zurich University Hospital (USZ)
    Junior doctor radiology, Bülach Hospital
    2004 – 2006
    Junior doctor general surgery, Bülach Hospital
    Certificate of competence for interventional pain therapy SSIPM
    Specialist title orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system (Swiss board certification)
    Doctoral thesis, medical faculty, University of Zurich
    Medical degree, University of Zurich
    1996 – 2003
    Study of medicine at Zurich and Lausanne Universities
    Dr. med. Salvatore Tomagra

    Dr. med. Salvatore Tomagra

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Salvatore Tomagra

    Dr. med. Salvatore Tomagra

    Chief Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2023 – today
    Chief physician, foot and ankle surgery, Klinik Gut
    2019 – 2022
    Head physician, foot and ankle surgery, Klinik Gut
    2017 – 2019
    Head physician, orthopaedic and trauma surgery unit, team leader foot and ankle surgery, Hospital Centre Biel-Bienne
    2016 – 2017
    Senior physician, deputy head of foot team, orthopaedics and trauma unit, Hôpital du Valais
    Specialist title orthopaedic and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system
    Senior physician, foot team, orthopaedic and trauma surgery unit, Bern Tiefenau Hospital  (Insel Gruppe)
    2014 – 2015
    Assistant senior physician, foot team, university orthopaedic and trauma surgery centre, Bern University Hospital
    Senior physician and team leader polytrauma, university emergency centre, Bern University Hospital
    2011 – 2013
    Junior doctor, foot team, university orthopaedic and trauma surgery centre, Bern University Hospital
    Team doctor, HC Fribourg-Gottéron
    2003 – 2010
    Junior doctor with orthopaedic and trauma surgery units at the Regional Hospital Tafers/Fribourg, Zieglerspital Bern, and at Klinik Sonnenhof Bern
    Medical degree (Germany)
    1996 – 2003
    Medical studies, University of Cologne (Germany)
    Dr. med. Adrian Urfer

    Dr. med. Adrian Urfer

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >


    Dr. med. Adrian Urfer

    Chief Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    Practice laboratory (KHM)
    Manual medicine (SAMM)
    Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system
    State examination physician
    Dr Patrick Ziegler, MD, adjunct professor

    Dr Patrick Ziegler, MD, adjunct professor

    Chief Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr Patrick Ziegler, MD, adjunct professor

    Dr Patrick Ziegler, MD, adjunct professor

    Chief Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2024 - today
    Chief physician, orthopaedic and trauma surgery, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    Head Physician orthopaedics and traumatology, Klinik Gut
    Senior Physician in sports traumatology and arthroscopic surgery, clinic for trauma and reconstructive surgery, BG Klinik Tübingen
    Specialist orthopaedics & trauma surgery, clinic for trauma and reconstructive surgery, BG Klinik Tübingen
    Junior doctor, clinic for trauma and reconstructive surgery, BG Klinik Tübingen
    Habilitation, venia legendi (adjunct lecturer), University of Tübingen
    Master of Health Business Administration (MHBA), Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
    specialist title orthopaedics and trauma surgery (GER)
    Medical Teaching Qualification, University of Tübingen
    Doctorate, Trauma Clinic Murnau / TUM (Technische Universität München)
    Medical degree, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
    Head Physician
    Dr. med. Afschien Arefzadeh

    Dr. med. Afschien Arefzadeh

    Head Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Afschien Arefzadeh

    Dr. med. Afschien Arefzadeh

    Head Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    Head physician anaesthesia Klinik Gut Fläsch
    Specialist physician anaesthesia, Berit Klinik, Speicher (Switzerland)
    Head physician anaesthesia and rescue service, Thusis Hospital (Switzerland)
    Senior physician anaesthesia, Thusis Hospital (Switzerland)
    Medical locum Klinik Gut St Moritz
    Senior consultant anaesthesia, St. Mary's Hospital, Borken (Germany)
    Interim head physician anaesthesia, St. Mary's Hospital, Borken (Germany)
    Physician in charge of transfusion services
    Medical surgery coordinator
    Senior consultant anaesthesia, St. Mary's Hospital, Borken (Germany)
    Feuerwehrarzt Stadt BorMedical doctor with the fire services of the city of Borken (Germany)
    Medical director Borken rescue service (Germany)
    Senior emergency physician, district of Borken (Germany)
    Specialist anaesthetist, St. Mary's Hospital, Borken (Germany)
    Junior doctor anaesthesia, St. Mary's Hospital, Borken (Germany)
    2012 / 2022
    Interdisciplinary sub-speciality Interventional Pain Management (SSIPM)
    2011 / 2016
    Proficiency certificate prehospital emergency medicine (emergency physician) SSERM
    PhD, University of Münster (Germany)
    1995 / 2006
    Sub-specialty surgical intensive care medicine (Germany)
    1995 / 2006
    Sub-specialty special pain therapy (Germany)
    Specialist title anaesthesiology (Germany)
    medical degree, RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
    Dr. med. Marcus Deplazes

    Dr. med. Marcus Deplazes

    Head Physician ·

    Details about the physician >


    Dr. med. Marcus Deplazes

    Head Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    since 2011
    Senior Physician Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    Certificate of competence interventional pain therapy SSIPM
    University Hospital for anaesthesiology and pain therapy, Inselspital Bern
    Certificate of competence emergency physician SGNOR
    Anaesthesiology specialty at FMH
    Base Physician REGA, Base Berne Belp
    Clinic for anaesthesiology and intensive care, KSSW Wolhusen
    Clinic and polyclinic for anaesthesiology and pain therapy, Inselspital Bern
    Intensive Care Clinic, Inselspital Bern
    Surgical department, Regional Spitalzentrum Aare-/Kiesental Münsingen-Oberdiessbach
     Maria Fischer, anaesthesiologist

    Maria Fischer, anaesthesiologist

    Head Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x  Maria Fischer, anaesthesiologist

    Maria Fischer, anaesthesiologist

    Head Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2021 – today
    head physician, anaesthesiology, Klinik Gut Fläsch
    2011 – 2021
    head physician, anaesthesiology, See-Spital Kilchberg (ZH)
    2002 – 2012
    emergency physician, Rega (Swiss air-rescue) helicopter bases Untervaz and Samedan
    2005 – 2011
    senior physician, anaesthesiology, Davos Hospital
    2002 – 2004
    senior physician, anaesthesiology, Grabs Hospital
    1995 – 2004
    deputy senior physician, anaesthesiology, Davos Hospital
    stationed physician, Rega base Untervaz
    medical consultant and flight physician, Rega ambulance jet, Zürich airport
    junior doctor, interdisciplinary intensive care unit, St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital
    1999 – 2000
    senior physician, anaesthesiology, St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital
    1997 – 1999
    junior doctor, anaesthesiology, St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital
    1995 – 1997
    junior doctor, anaesthesiology, Stadtspital Triemli, Zürich
    1993 – 1995
    junior doctor, paediatric surgery, Children's hospital for NE Switzerland, St. Gallen
    1992 – 1993
    junior doctor, neonatology, Zürich University Hospital (USZ)
    1991 – 1992
    junior doctor, anaesthesiology, St. Gallen Cantona Hospital
    specialist title anaesthesiology (FMH)
    certificate of competence emergency physician SGNOR
    medical degree, University of Zürich
    Dr. med. Nina Fuchs

    Dr. med. Nina Fuchs

    Head Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Nina Fuchs

    Dr. med. Nina Fuchs

    Head Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2023 – today
    Head physician, hand surgery, Klinik Gut
    2023 – today
    Senior physician, hand surgery & traumatology, HFR (Fribourg Cantonal Hospital)
    Senior physician, general surgery and intensive care medicine, SOE (Upper Engadine Hospital)
    Senior physician, hand surgery, KSGR (Grisons Cantonal Hospital)
    Junior doctor, hand surgery, University Hospital Balgrist
    Junior doctor, Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, USZ (University Hospital Zürich)

    Junior doctor, orthopaedics& traumatology, KSW (Cantonal Hospital Winterthur)
    Specialist title hand surgeon
    Proficiency certificate ultrasonography
    European Diploma in Hand Surgery (European Board of Hand Surgery, EBHS)
    Doctorate in medicine, University of Zürich
    Medical degree, University of Zürich
     Alexa Tryzna, specialist title interal medicine

    Alexa Tryzna, specialist title interal medicine

    Head Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x  Alexa Tryzna, specialist title interal medicine

    Alexa Tryzna, specialist title interal medicine

    Head Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    Senior physician, department of internal medicinie, Klinik Gut Fläsch
    Senior physician, department of internal medicinie, Linth Hospital, Uznach
    2020 – 2021
    Senior physician, department of internal medicinie, Walenstadt Hospital
    Junior doctor, department of internal medicinie, Glarus Cantonal Hospital
    2017 – 2018
    Senior physician, department of internal medicinie, Walenstadt Hospital
    2016 – 2017
    Junior doctor, department of internal medicinie, Walenstadt Hospital
    2014 – 2016
    Junior doctor, department of rehabilitation and physical therapy, Clinic Bad Ragaz
    2007 – 2014
    Junior doctor, department of surgery and orthopaedics, at cantonal hospitals in Altstätten, Grabs, and Walenstadt
    Specialist title Internal Medicine
    Medical degree, TUM Technische Universität München
    Dr. med. Robert Vogt

    Dr. med. Robert Vogt

    Head Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Robert Vogt

    Dr. med. Robert Vogt

    Head Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2022 – today
    Head Physician, Klinik Gut
    2022 – today
    Medical practice for orthopaedics and trauma surgery, Triesen (FL), in cooperation with Klinik Gut
    Chief Physician, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, National Hospital of Liechtenstein
    Co-Head of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, National Hospital of Liechtenstein
    Deputy Head of Surgery, National Hospital of Liechtenstein
    Head Physician Surgery, National Hospital of Liechtenstein
    Traumatology Fellowship, Cantonal Hospital Grisons, Chur
    Deputy Consultant Orthopaedics, Schulthess Klinik, Zurich
    Senior Physician Orthopaedics, Cantonal Hospital Münsterlingen
    Senior Physician Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Münsterlingen
    Junior doctor, department of surgery, Cantonal Hospitals of Glarus and Münsterlingen, and Clinique Saint-Damien (Madagascar)
    Specialist title orthopaedic surgery and trauma surgery of the musculoskeletal system
    Certificate Emergency Surgery and Emergency Management SGACT/SSCGT (Swiss Society for General Surgery and Traumatology)
    Specialty general surgery and traumatology
    Specialist title surgery
    Dissertation, University of Basel
    Medical Degree, University of Basel
    Dr. med. Renée-Christiane Beyertt Kobel

    Dr. med. Renée-Christiane Beyertt Kobel

    Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Renée-Christiane Beyertt Kobel

    Dr. med. Renée-Christiane Beyertt Kobel

    Physician |
    Klinik Gut Fläsch
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2021 – heute
    senior physician Klinik Gut Fläsch
    specialist doctor general internal medicine, Hausarzthaus, Niederurnen
    2008 – 2020
    senior physician, general internal medicine, Lachen Hospital
    2005 – 2007
    general practice R. Mettler, MD, Reichenburg
    senior physician, general internal medicine, Lachen Hospital
    1999 – 2003
    senior physician, general internal medicine, Lachen Hospital
    1993 – 1998
    junior doctor, general internal medicine, gynaecology/obstetrics, surgery, Cantonal Hospital Uri
    1992 – 1993
    junior doctor, general internal medicine / rehabilitation, Zuger Höhenklinik Adelheid
    1990 – 1991
    post-doctoral reseacher, fetal & neonatal physiology, University Hospital of Zürich (USZ)
    1989 – 1990
    junior doctor, gynaecology/obstetrics, Kreiskrankenhaus Lich (D)
    specialist title General Internal Medicine (Swiss board certification FMH)
    doctorate, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (D)
    medical degree, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (D)
    Dr. med. Claudia Hjelmér

    Dr. med. Claudia Hjelmér

    Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Claudia Hjelmér

    Dr. med. Claudia Hjelmér

    Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2022 – today
    foot and ankle specialist, Klinik Gut
    2014 – 2022
    senior doctor foot and ankle surgery, Fusschirurgie Zurich
    2009 – 2014
    senior doctor foot and ankle surgery, Schulthess Klinik, Zurich
    2007 – 2009
    junior doctor foot and ankle surgery, Schulthess Klinik, Zurich
    2001 – 2016
    assistant surgeon, Centre for Hand Surgery, Hirslanden Klinik im Park, Zurich
    2001 – 2016
    assisting physician, paediatric consultations, doctor's office of Dr. med. A. Schmidt, paediatrician, Küsnacht
    1992 – 1993
    Senior House Officer, general orthopaedic surgery, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, London (UK)
    1989 – 1992
    junior doctor orthopaedic surgery, general surgery, and paedriatrics at Universitätsklinik Balgrist, Kreisspital Männedorf and Kinderspital Zurich
    doctorate, medicine, Universitätsklinik Balgrist
    medical degree, University of Zurich
     Matteo Pini, MSc Sports Sciences

    Matteo Pini, MSc Sports Sciences

    Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x  Matteo Pini, MSc Sports Sciences

    Matteo Pini, MSc Sports Sciences

    Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2024 – today
    Sports scientist, head of performance diagnostics, Klinik Gut Saint Moritz
    internship in cardiac telerehabilitation, Centre for Preventive Cardiology, Sports Medicine, Insel Gruppe, Berne
    2021 – 2022
    internship sports medicine, Davos Sports & Health (Spital Davos)
    nursing assistant, Centro Sanitario Valposchiavo, Poschiavo
    MSc in Sports Sciences, Université de Fribourg
    fitness coach with SAFS certification, Swiss Academy of Fitness & Sports
    BSc in Sports, Swiss Federal Insitute of Sport Magglingen (SFISM), Bern University of Applied Sciences
    Attending Physician
    Dr. med. Marco Canova

    Dr. med. Marco Canova

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Marco Canova

    Dr. med. Marco Canova

    Attending Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2017 – today
    Attending Physician, hand and wrist surgery, Klinik Gut
    Co-Chief Physician Department Surgery / Chief Physician Hand Surgery Kantonsspital Graubünden, Chur
    Head of Surgery / Head of the Department of Hand Surgery, Kantonsspital Graubünden, Chur
    Clinic for Reconstructive Surgery, Universitätsspital Zürich
    Senior Physician Surgery, Kantonsspital Graubünden, Chur
    Assistant Physician Surgery, Kantonsspital Graubünden, Chur
    Assistant Physician Surgical Department, Regionalspital Ilanz
    Assistant Physician Surgery, Kantonsspital Graubünden, Chur
    Assistant Physician Surgical Department, Spital Flawil/SG
    Universitätsspital Zürich: Angiology(microcirculation)/hand surgery
    Speciality general surgery and traumatology
    Specialist title hand surgery
    Specialist title surgery
    Doctorate, Universität Zürich
    Medical degree, University of Zürich
    PD Dr. med. Roberto Casella

    PD Dr. med. Roberto Casella

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x PD Dr. med. Roberto Casella

    PD Dr. med. Roberto Casella

    Attending Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2023 – today
    Attending Physician, Urology, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    2021 – today
    Senior Consultant, Urology, Grisons Cantonal Hospital, Chur
    2005 – 2021
    Head Physician, Urology, Centre Hospitalier Biel-Bienne, CH
    2007 – 2015
    Assistant Physician, Urology, Hôpital du Jura Bernois, Moutier
    2002 – 2004
    Fellow, Urology Clinic, Basel University Hospital
    2001 – 2002
    Deputy Fellow, Department of Urology, Cantonal Hospital, Baden
    1999 – 2001
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Laboratory for Male Reproductive Research and Laboratory for Bladder Cancer Research, Scott Department of Urology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX (USA)
    1990 – 1999
    Resident, departments of general surgery, vascular surgery, anaethesiology, urology at Ospedale S. Giovanni Bellinzona, Kantonsspital Liestal and Kantonsspital Basel, respectively
    Habilitation, University of Basel
    Specialty title surgical urology (FMH)
    Fellow of the European Board of Urology (FEBU)
    Specialist title urology (FMH)
    Doctorate, University of Basel
    Medical degree, University of Basel
    Dr. med. Stefan Dierauer

    Dr. med. Stefan Dierauer

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Stefan Dierauer

    Dr. med. Stefan Dierauer

    Attending Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    since 2016
    Senior Physician paediatric orthopaedics and paediatric traumatology, Klinik Sonnenhof, Bern
    since 2013
    Department head orthopaedics and traumatology Kinderspital Zurich
    Fellowship Royal Children Hospital Melbourne AUS neuroorthopaedics (in particular: gait analysis)
    since 2008
    Team leader paediatric orthopaedics University Hospital Balgrist
    Fellowship Royal Children Hospital Edinburgh UK neuroorthopaedics (in particular: gait analysis)
    since 2004
    Head of paediatric orthopaedics, University Hospital and Orthopaedic University Hospital Balgrist, Zurich
    since 2001
    Senior Physician paediatric orthopaedics, Kinderspital Zurich
    since 2001
    Consulting physician paediatric orthopaedics Kantonsspital Graubünden Chur
    Pediatric orthopaedics University Hospital Balgrist Zurich/Kinderspital Zurich
    Orthopaedics University Hospital Basel
    Pediatric orthopaedics Kinderspital Basel
    Specialist FMH for orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system
    Orthopaedics Kantonsspital Bruderholz/BL
    Orthopaedics University Hospital Basel
    Doctorate Medical Faculty University of Basel
    Surgical department Kantonsspital Zug
    Orthopaedics Praxisklinik Rennbahn Muttenz/BL
    State examination Medical Faculty University of Zurich
    Study of human medicine University of Zurich
    Dr. med. Andreas Dietsche

    Dr. med. Andreas Dietsche

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Andreas Dietsche

    Dr. med. Andreas Dietsche

    Attending Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    since 2014
    Practice for rheumatology, Heilbad St. Moritz
    since 2014
    Attending Physician pain therapy, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    Specialist FMH for rheumatology
    Certificate of competence interventional Pain therapy SSIPM
    Certificate of competence ultrasound diagnostics, spec. musculoskeletal system SGUM
    Assisting Physician, rheumatological clinic, Zurich University Hospital
    Certificate of competence manual medicine SAMM
    Assisting Physician, rheumatology, and rehabilitation, Rehakliniken Valens
    Certificate of competence sports medicine SGSM
    Deputy Team Physician, 1. team NLA Hockey Club Davos
    Senior Physician, internal medicine and sports medicine, Spital Davos
    Specialist FMH for general internal medicine
    Assisting Physician, general internal medicine, Kantonsspital St. Gallen
    Assisting Physician, general internal medicine, Hôpital Pourtàles, Neuchâtel
    Assisting Physician, surgery, Clinica Santa Chiara, Locarno
    Dissertation at Berne University
    Medical studies, State examination University of Fribourg and Berne
    Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Hausmann

    Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Hausmann

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Hausmann

    Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Hausmann

    Attending Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    Appointment as Associate Professor at University of Berne
    since 2009
    Attending Physician at Klinik Gut St. Moritz und Fläsch
    since 2006
    Project manager Spinal Injury Research, Swiss Paraplegic Research Nottwil
    since 2004
    Scientific consulting physician at Neurosurgical University Hospital Basel, project manager of the neurosurgical laboratory
    since 2003
    Attending Physician at Hirslanden Klinik St. Anna, Luzern
    Neurochirurgie, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square and Wellington Hospital, London
    Senior Physician, spine surgery, Orthopaedic University Hospital Balgrist/Zurich
    The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, University of Miami/USA research postdoc
    Electrophysiology, University Hospital Balgrist/Zurich and Brain Research Institute, University of Zurich
    Neurosurgical University Hospital Basel
    Neurosurgical clinic, Kantonsspital Aarau
    Neuroradiology, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London
    Neurological University Hospital Basel
    Neurosurgical University Hospital Basel
    Surgical Department, Gemeindespital Riehen
    Surgical Department, Kantonsspital Bruderholz
    Dr. med. Patrick Mäder

    Dr. med. Patrick Mäder

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Patrick Mäder

    Dr. med. Patrick Mäder

    Attending Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    since 2017
    Practice surgery gleis d, Medical Centre gleis d Chur
    since 2017
    Attending Physician Klinik Gut Fläsch and Spital Thusis
    Certificate of competence endovenous thermal ablation of saphenous veins in cases of varicosis
    Chief Physician surgery-orthopaedics and member of the Executive Board, Regionalspital Surselva AG
    Integral hospital management NDS, Master of Advanced Studies in Health Service Management (MAS FHS St. Gallen)
    Head of surgery Spital Rorschach and Deputy head Enddarmzentrum, Kantonsspital St. Gallen
    Rotation Senior Physician paediatric surgery, Ostschweizer Kinderspital St. Gallen
    Certificate of competence Laser treatment of the skin and mucous membranes Type I, II, IV, and V.2
    Focus general surgery and traumatology FMH
    Head of laser centre Surgical Clinic St. Gallen
    Senior Physician Surgical Clinic, Kantonsspital St. Gallen
    Specialist for surgery FMH
    Senior Physician surgery Kantonales Spital Walenstadt
    Assisting Physician surgery Spital Rüti (ZH) and Kantonsspital Winterthur
    Dissertation on treatment of burn injuries, Pediatric University Hospital Zurich
    State examination University of Zurich
    Medical studies University of Zurich
    Dr. med. Manuel Moser

    Dr. med. Manuel Moser

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Manuel Moser

    Dr. med. Manuel Moser

    Attending Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2023 – today
    Attending Physician, Neurosurgery, Klinik Gut Fläsch
    2023 – today
    Head Physician, Neurosurgery, Grisons Cantonal Hospital
    2022 – 2023
    Senior Physician, Neurosurgery and Interdisciplinary Spine Surgery, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital
    Clinical Research Fellowship in Spine Surgery, Spine Care Institute, Hospital for Special Surgery, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York (USA)
    2018 – 2020
    Senior Physician, Neurosurgery and Interdisciplinary Spine Surgery, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital
    Junior doctor, Neurosurgery and Interdisciplinary Spine Surgery, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital
    Junior doctor, Orthopaedic Spine Surgery, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil
    2015 – 2016
    Junior doctor, Orthopaedic Spine Surgery, Balgrist University Hospital, Zürich
    2011 – 2015
    Junior doctor, Neurosurgery, St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital
    Certified Medical Expert, Swiss Insurance Medicine (SIM)
    Interdisciplinary sub-speciality Spinal column surgery (SGNC and SO)
    EUROSPINE Course Diploma
    Interdisciplinary sub-speciality Interventional Pain Management (SSIPM)
    Specialist title Neurosurgery
    Doctorate in medicine, University of Zürich
    Medical degree (A)
    2005 - 2011
    Medical studies, Medical University of Innsbruck (A)
    Dr. med. Frédéric Peroni

    Dr. med. Frédéric Peroni

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Frédéric Peroni

    Dr. med. Frédéric Peroni

    Attending Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    Specialist physician at Sports Medicine Department, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    Medical doctor with worksite medical programs at various Swiss and international companies
    Medical Director, Sports Medicine Department, Ambulatorio di Medicina dello Sport, Saronno (IT)
    Head of annual checkups of Swiss Border Guards in Graubünden on behalf of SUVA
    involvement in various public health initiatives in Italy
    Physiological evaluations, Ostschweizer Skiverband
    Lecturer at seminars in Switzerland, France and Italy on a range of sports medicine-related topics (altitude training, blood lactate concentration, water therapy, alcohol abuse)
    Research fellow at Department of physiology of muscular activity, Institute of biomedical technologies (CNR-ITB), National Research Council, Milan (IT)
    Team doctor, Italian national team downhill Alpine ski
    Member of medical staff, AC Milan football team
    Specialist Sports Medicine, Milan State University, Italy
    Medical Doctor, Milan State University, Italy
    Dr. med. Martin Peterhans

    Dr. med. Martin Peterhans

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Martin Peterhans

    Dr. med. Martin Peterhans

    Attending Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    Senior Physician surgery, Regionalspital Prättigau
    Specialist FMH general and trauma surgery
    Chief Physician surgical emergency unit, Klinik Sonnenhof in Bern
    Specialist FMH general
    Training as general and trauma surgeon, Assisting and Senior Physician surgery Kantonsspital Luzern (general surgery, trauma surgery, paediatric surgery, and orthopaedics) and Spital Laufenburg (general and trauma surgery)
    Dr. med. Jürg Pfister

    Dr. med. Jürg Pfister

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >


    Dr. med. Jürg Pfister

    Attending Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2020 – today
    attending physician, general surgery, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    2008 – 2020
    Chief Physician surgery Klinik Gut AG St. Moritz and Fläsch
    Chief Physician surgery Kantonsspital Schwyz
    Co-Chief Physician surgery Kantonsspital Schwyz
    Specialist qualification FMH for general and trauma surgery
    Head Physician surgery Kantonsspital Schwyz
    Senior Physician surgery Kantonsspital Aarau
    Specialist qualification FMH for surgery
    Assisting Physician surgery Kantonsspital Aarau
    Assisting Physician pediatric surgery Kinderspital Zurich
    Assisting Physician surgery Kantonsspital Chur
    Assisting Physician surgery Kreisspital Oberengadin Samedan
    Doctorate in Zurich
    Studies at University of Zurich
    Dr. med. Stefan Riederer

    Dr. med. Stefan Riederer

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Stefan Riederer

    Dr. med. Stefan Riederer

    Attending Physician |
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    since 2008
    Ärzte and Physio am Platz (hand surgery), Bad Ragaz
    Handchirurgische Praxis, Ärztehaus Cristal Bad Ragaz
    Handchirurgische Praxis, Medical Centre in Bad Ragaz
    University Hospital Insel, Berne, thereof 2 years as Senior Physician hand surgery
    Spital Limmattal, thereof 2 years as Senior Physician general surgery
    Kantonales Spital Rorschach (general surgery)
    Kantonsspital Bruderholz (internal medicine)
    Dr. med. Enrique Steiger, MD

    Dr. med. Enrique Steiger, MD

    Attending Physician ·

    Details about the physician >

    x Dr. med. Enrique Steiger, MD

    Dr. med. Enrique Steiger, MD

    Attending Physician |
    St. Moritz
    Areas of expertise
    Details about the physician
    2025 – today
    Attending physician, plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, Klinik Gut St. Moritz
    1998 – today
    Founding partner, Clinic Utoquai centre for plastic and cosmetic surgery, Zürich
    1999 – 2006
    Training in facial surgery, Dr. Bruce Connell, University of Southern California, Los Angeles (USA)
    1996 – 1997
    Chief resident, department of plastic and reconstructive Surgery, USZ University Hospital Zürich
    1993 – 1995
    Training in aesthetic plastic surgery, department for plastic surgery, Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC Rio) (BRA)
    1991 – 1993
    Chief resident, surgery as well as hand and plastic Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Frauenfeld
    1990 – 1991
    Research department surgery, University Hospital Zürich
    1989 – 1991
    Junior doctor, USZ University Hospital Zürich (surgery, trauma intensive care, burn unit, plastic and reconstructive surgery)
    1984 – 1988
    Junior doctor, USZ University Hospital Zürich, surgery department
    1983 – 1984
    Junior doctor, District Hospital Uster
    Fellowship in emergency medicine, Dept. of Trauma Surgery, NYU Medical Center, New York (USA)
    specialist title plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery
    specialist title surgery
    Medical Degree, University of Zürich
    Attending Physician

    Data protection declaration

    We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Respecting your private sphere and handling your personal data in a trustworthy manner are important to us. We consider it a matter of course to comply with the legal regulations on data protection. Below, we provide you with an overview of how we guarantee the security of your personal data, what data of yours we process, and the purpose for which we process it.

    Who is responsible for the data processing?

    Klinik Gut is responsible for the data processing activities described in this data protection declaration. If you have any questions about this or would like to exercise your rights as a data subject under data protection law, please let us know at the following address:

    Klinik Gut AG
    Plazza Paracelsus 2a
    7500 St Moritz
    +41 81 836 34 34

    What types of personal data do we process?

    We process the following types of personal data:

    • Master data (e.g. names and addresses)
    • Contact data (e.g. email addresses and telephone numbers)
    • Diagnostic, examination and treatment data (in the form of text, images or sound)
    • Applicant data (e.g. personal details, postal and contact addresses, documents included in the application and information contained therein, e.g. cover letter, curriculum vitae and references, as well as other personal or qualification-related information provided by applicants voluntarily or with regard to a specific position)
    • Surfing and usage data (e.g. websites visited, access times)
    • Meta/communication data (e.g. IP addresses, device information)
    • Contract data (e.g. subject and duration of contract, customer category)
    • Payment data (e.g. bank details, invoices, payment history)

    For what purposes do we process your personal data?

    We process your personal data for the following purposes:

    • To carry out your medical consultation and treatment in accordance with the respective contractual relationship between you and us, as well as to generally exercise, claim or perform the associated rights and obligations
    • To maintain your patient record
    • To adhere to the legal requirements on record keeping, as well as for archiving purposes
    • To communicate with you or health insurers on insurance-related matters
    • To conduct and conclude business with you
    • For application procedures (establishment of the employment relationship and possible subsequent implementation or termination thereof)
    • For market research
    • For range measurement / marketing
    • For the purpose of tracking (e.g. interest/behavioural profiling, use of cookies)
    • To ensure your security and the security of other patients
    • To lodge or assert legal claims
    • To convey news, including advertising, that may be of interest to you
    • To display and optimise website content
    • To send quality-control questionnaires

    On what legal basis do we process your personal data?

    The legal basis for processing your personal data depends on the respective purpose of data processing in each case. In particular, this basis may include:

    • Your express consent where required by law, which you can withdraw at any time
    • The conclusion or fulfilment of a contract with you or the implementation of pre-contractual measures, particularly for medical consultation and service provision
    • The protection of our legitimate interests, unless your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms override these
    • The fulfilment of legal obligations, particularly those arising from health and accident insurance legislation, or the duty to keep medical records

    For how long do we process your personal data?

    We process and store your personal data only to the extent and for the duration necessary for fulfilment of our contractual and legal obligations, or otherwise necessary for the purposes pursued via the processing, e.g. for the duration of the entire treatment contract and beyond that in accordance with statutory retention periods (particularly those arising from public legislation on health, or on health and accident insurance) and the duty to keep records. As soon as your personal data is no longer required for the aforementioned purposes or a prescribed retention period expires, it will be deleted or blocked as a matter of course and to the greatest possible extent.

    How do we protect your personal data?

    The security of your personal data is important to us. We take appropriate and suitable technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of your personal data and to protect it against unauthorised or unlawful processing and/or accidental loss, alteration, disclosure or access. This includes, among other things, the use of recognised encryption procedures (e.g. SSL encryption). Access to your personal data is only granted to those staff, service providers or partners of ours who need such access for a business-related purpose or to perform their duties.

    We also take our in-house data protection seriously. Our staff and the service providers whom we engage are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to comply with the provisions of data protection law. Moreover, they are only granted access to your personal data to the extent necessary.

    To whom do we pass on your personal data?

    As a matter of principle, we treat your personal data as confidential and only pass it on if you have expressly consented to this, if we are legally obliged or entitled to do so, or if this is necessary in order to assert our rights, in particular to assert claims arising from the contractual relationship. Here, the legal regulations regarding passing on personal data to third parties are adhered to as a matter of course.

    In order to provide our services, to comply with contractual or legal regulations, or for the other purposes mentioned in this data protection declaration, it may be necessary for us to disclose your personal data to the following categories of recipients:

    • Referring doctors who carry out treatment or subsequent treatment, or other health professionals or service providers involved in the treatment
    • Insurance companies (particularly health, accident and supplementary insurers, and medical examiners)
    • External service providers whom we engage to provide services, to process contracts or to provide our infrastructure and technologies for examination or treatment (e.g. laboratories, pharmacies, debt collection companies, IT service providers, payment service providers, outsourcing partners, hosting providers, and companies with whom we offer what is available on our website)
    • Legal representatives, authorities, offices or courts
    • Relatives or (unless you object) your other visitors
    • Electronic patient record (EPR in accordance with the Federal Act on the Electronic Patient Record, EPRA)

    If we engage third parties to provide our services, we take appropriate legal precautions, as well as adequate technical and organisational measures, to ensure protection of your personal data in accordance with the relevant legal regulations.

    Disclosure is generally made within Switzerland, or else to recipients either in EU or EEA member states or in other states with appropriate data protection legislation. If we make any disclosure to recipients in other countries, we do so on the basis of recognised guarantees (particularly contractual agreements) or with your consent in individual cases.

    What rights do you have?

    Right to information

    You have the right to demand information from us regarding whether we process your personal data and, if so, what data.

    Right to rectification

    You have the right to demand rectification of your personal data if incorrect and the completion of any incomplete personal data of yours in our systems.

    Right to erasure

    You have the right to demand that your personal data be deleted, e.g. when the data is no longer needed for the purposes pursued. However, in cases where we are nevertheless obliged or entitled to retain your personal data due to legal or contractual obligations, we may restrict or block your personal data only to the extent necessary.

    Right to restriction of processing

    You have the right to demand that we restrict the processing of your personal data.

    Right to data portability

    Where applicable, you have the right to obtain, in a structured, common and machine-readable format, any of your personal data that we process automatically on the basis of your consent or for fulfilment of a contract, or to demand the transfer of this data to a third party. If you demand direct transfer of personal data to another responsible party, this will only be done insofar as technically feasible.

    Right to object

    You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time in accordance with the legal requirements. In particular, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of direct advertising.

    Revocation of consent

    You categorically have the right to revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. The revocation will apply from that point onwards.

    Right of complaint

    You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of data protection law.

    Please note that there are applicable exceptions to these rights. In particular, we may need to continue processing your personal data and store it in order to fulfil a contract with you, to protect vital interests of our own (such as the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims) or to comply with legal obligations. Insofar as legally permissible, we may therefore also reject your data-protection-related requests, e.g. requests for information and erasure, or only comply with them to a limited extent.

    Visiting our website

    When our website is visited, our servers temporarily record each instance of access in a log file. The following user data, device data and personal data are thus collected without any action on your part and stored by our hosting ISP (internet service provider):

    • The IP address of the computer submitting the query
    • The date and time of access
    • The name and URL of the file accessed
    • The website from which access occurred
    • Your computer’s operating system and the browser that you used
    • The country from which you accessed our website and your browser’s language settings

    This data is collected and processed solely for the purpose of enabling use of our website (connection establishment), to ensure lasting system security and stability, to optimise our website offering and for internal statistical purposes. This constitutes our legitimate interest in processing the data. This data is not combined with any other data sources. In addition, this data cannot be traced back to individual persons. We reserve the right to check this data if definite indications of illegal use come to our attention.


    You have the option of contacting us (e.g. via a contact form, by email or telephone, or via social media). In this event, the information you provide is processed for the purpose of handling and processing your query. If a contact form is used, the respective contact form indicates what data is collected. Information marked with (*) is mandatory. All other information can be provided voluntarily by the person making the query.

    You can object to this data processing in an email to info@klinik-gut.ch at any time. If you do so, your query will not be processed any further.

    Your personal data will be deleted as soon as your query has been dealt with. This is the case if the circumstances indicate that the matter in question has been conclusively clarified and the erasure does not conflict with any legal obligations to retain data.


    If you apply for a job with us, we process the personal data that you supply as part of the application procedure. Alongside the details you provide about yourself and about your education, work experience and skills, this includes the usual correspondence data such as postal address, email address and telephone number. Moreover, all documents that you submit in connection with the application, e.g. letter of motivation, curriculum vitae and references, are processed. Applicants can also voluntarily provide us with additional information. This data is only stored, evaluated, processed or forwarded within our organisation in connection with your application. It may also be processed for statistical purposes (e.g. reporting). If this occurs, it is done in such a way that no conclusions can be drawn about individual persons.

    Processing may also be carried out by other electronic means. This is particularly the case if you send us relevant application documents electronically, for example by email.

    Your application data is processed in order to fulfil our (pre-)contractual obligations within the scope of the application procedure.

    You can object to this data processing at any time and withdraw your application. Please send your objection to the email address info@klinik-gut.ch or to the contact person named in the job advertisement.

    If we enter into an employment contract with you, the transferred data is stored for the purpose of handling the employment relationship in compliance with legal regulations.

    If the application procedure ends without appointment to a position, your personal data will be deleted unless you have given us your consent to use your details for any of our other application procedures and to possibly contact you again. You have the option of subsequently revoking this consent at any time. You can send your revocation to info@klinik-gut.ch or to the email address stated in the job advertisement.

    Provision of contractual services

    We also process personal data to the respective necessary extent for fulfilment of our contractual and pre-contractual obligations, as well as for provision of other services that you request, as described in this data protection declaration. The personal data processed in this way, and the type, scope and purpose of the processing required in each case, are thus determined by the respective contract arranged with you or the services that you request.

    If we store your personal data on the basis of a contractual relationship, this data remains stored for at least the duration of the contractual relationship and for no longer than the duration of the limitation periods for possible claims on our part, or of legal or contractual retention obligations.

    What are cookies and when are they used?

    In certain cases, we use so-called cookies. These are small text files that are placed and stored on your computer with the aid of a browser. They do not cause any damage to your computer. They cannot execute any programs or transfer any viruses. Cookies serve to make our website more user-friendly, effective and secure.

    Most of the cookies we use are what are known as session cookies. These are automatically deleted when you log out or close your browser. Other cookies remain stored on your computer beyond the respective usage session and enable us or our partner companies (third-party cookies) to recognise your browser on your next visit and to ‘remember’ any settings you may have selected (e.g. language, font size and other display preferences) over a certain period of time. If other cookies (e.g. cookies for analysis of your surfing behaviour) are stored, these are addressed separately in this data protection declaration.

    Most internet browsers are routinely set to accept cookies. If you do not want this, you can set your browser so that it informs you about the placement of cookies and so that you only allow the acceptance of cookies for certain individual cases or generally refuse them. You can also activate a function that automatically deletes cookies whenever the browser closes. Moreover, you can, at any time, use an internet browser or other software program to delete cookies that have already been placed.

    The procedure for checking and deleting cookies depends on the internet browser you use. You will find information on this in your browser’s help menu. Please note that individual functions on our website might not work if you deactivate the use of cookies.

    How are tracking tools used?

    We use so-called tracking tools on our website. These tracking tools monitor your surfing behaviour on our website. This monitoring aids continual optimisation of our website and helps to ensure that its design meets requirements. This involves the creation of pseudonymous usage profiles and the use of small text files stored on your computer (‘cookies’).

    Third-party contractors may also use permanent cookies, pixel tags or similar technologies to this end. The third-party contractor does not receive any personal data from us, but can track your use of our website, combine this information with data from other websites you have visited that are also tracked by the third party contractor, and use this knowledge for their own purposes (e.g. to manage advertising). The processing of your personal data by the third-party contractor is then the responsibility of the service provider in accordance with their data protection regulations.

    The following tracking tools are used:

    Google Analytics

    Google Analytics is a service provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google states that Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, is responsible for data pertaining to users whose usual place of residence is in the European Economic Area or Switzerland.

    Google Analytics uses cookies and similar technologies that are stored on your computer and allow analysis of your use of this website. The information generated by these cookies about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transferred to a Google server, possibly in the USA or another third country, and stored there. Google will use this information for the purposes of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for us, and providing other services related to website and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or if third parties process this data on Google’s behalf. Google states that it will not, under any circumstances, link your IP address to any other Google data.

    We would like to point out that, in order to improve data protection, our website only uses Google Analytics with IP anonymisation activated. Thus, any IP addresses subjected to further processing are in abbreviated form when this occurs. This rules out the possibility of any direct reference to persons during analysis of our website’s usage.

    You can prevent storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate setting in your browser software, but please note that if you do this, you might not be able to use the full functionality of this website. Furthermore, if you wish to prevent Google from collecting and processing data, you can do so by downloading and installing the browser add-on available via this link: tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout. You can deactivate Google Analytics for display advertising and adjust the advertisements in the Google Display Network by accessing the advertisement settings here: adssettings.google.com.

    You will find more information on the Google Analytics terms of use and data protection policy at marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/us/ and policies.google.com/privacy.

    How is social media used?

    In addition to this website, we also maintain pages on various social media platforms, which you can access via corresponding buttons on our website. If you visit such a page, personal data may be transferred to the provider of the respective social network. Please note that user data may thus also be transferred to a server in a third country and processed outside Switzerland, the EU or the EEA.

    Furthermore, user data is usually processed within social networks for the purposes of market research and advertising. For such purposes, cookies that record users’ usage behaviour and interests are usually stored on the users’ computers. Moreover, data may also be stored in usage profiles regardless of the devices used by the users (particularly if the users are members of the respective platforms and are logged in to them).

    For detailed descriptions of the respective forms of processing and the opt-out options, please refer to the following linked data protection declarations and statements from the operators of the respective networks:

    Please also note that requests for information and assertions of data subject rights are most effective when lodged with the providers themselves. Only the providers have access to the respective users’ data, and are able to directly take appropriate measures and provide information. Nevertheless, if you require assistance, you are welcome to contact us.

    What is applicable regarding links to third-party websites?

    Our website may contain links to other websites that are not operated by us and to which this data protection declaration does not apply. We have no influence over whether the operators of such websites comply with data protection regulations and we therefore accept no responsibility for the accuracy, up-to-dateness or completeness of the information provided there.

    Changes to the data protection declaration

    We expressly reserve the right to amend or alter this data protection declaration at any time. The version published on our website at the time in question shall apply.

    This page was last changed on 6 September 2021. If you have questions or comments about our legal information or privacy policy, please contact us at info@klinik-gut.ch.

    We use Cookies (own and third-party providers) to help you use our websites. With the further use of our web pages you agree with the use of the cookies. More information about cookies can be found here our privacy statement.
